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Ashleigh Coyle

Ashleigh can't live without her dog, Gucci and doesn't lose her temper...

Who is your best friend? Zoe Doherty. She moved to my school in third year and I absolutely detested her! We didn’t get on at all back then but now we’re closer than sisters probably.

Zach Efron is totally my type...

What can you not live without? Probably, my dog, Gucci.

Who is your type? Zach Efron is totally my type but I would never go for someone like that in real life. In my head, I love him but in real life, I don’t have a type . As long as he can make me laugh, have good craic together and is respectful to me and other women, that would be my type.

Have you any regrets? No I don’t. I’m at a stage in my life where I’m really happy and I think everything has happened for a reason.

When did you last lose your temper? I don’t think I do lose my temper but if you asked my mum or my little brother they would have a different story! I probably lost my temper at my little brother recently but I tend to erase those memories from my mind.

What would you delete about yourself from the internet? Pictures from 2011! Apart from that I think it’s all ok.

Who do you miss the most? It’s hard to choose between my mummy and my dog. My mummy and I are really, really close so when I’m away I do miss her. I still live at home so it’s hard when I’m away especially when I’m feeling exhausted after a long day. I always want her opinion on everything- I send her 10 selfies of myself most days for her to help me decide which one will go on Facebook. I also miss my dog so much when I’m away too. I just love her.

How many selfies would you take in one day? At leaset 900!

Something we don’t know about you? I would die for Danny Dyer! Since he started in , I just think he and Mick Carter are just LIFE. I just love him so much!

Pet hate? Rude people.

What would you save from your house? My Dog.

Song on repeat: Katy Perry 'Swish Swish'. In general I’m a big fan of Katrina and the Waves 'Walking on Sunshine' as it always lifts my mood.

What are you most proud of? Everything I’ve achieved in general. I’m very proud of everything I’ve done and I’m proud of how proud my mummy is of me. There’s not one thing. I’ve just grabbed every opportunity I've been given and I’m proud of how happy I am.

Who would you call in a crisis: My mummy -100%!

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