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Duncan Chadwick

Played by Mark Stobbart

Fact title Fact data
Date of birth
4 April 1889
Place of birth
North Shields
Age at outbreak of WW1
Factory Worker
Linkskill Street, North Shields

Since the death of their mother, Duncan disapproves of his father Daniel’s drinking and the way in which his erratic behaviour is tearing the Chadwick family apart. His siblings in turn disapprove when Duncan’s pious teetotalling is channelled into the burgeoning local Temperance movement, under the guidance of . His earnest preaching on the evils of drink is a particular embarrassment for twin brother Fraser, Duncan’s junior by half an hour.

By 1917, Duncan is serving in Mesopotamia. But by the end of that year he is back in the North East and facing his familial weakness once again.