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Introducing the 成人论坛 micro:bit website in beta

Leigh Aspin

Executive Product Manager, Knowledge and Learning

In July, we to the world. Today marks the next milestone in the project, and I’m delighted to launch the new beta website for the 成人论坛 micro:bit today, developed in collaboration with Microsoft - – let the coding begin! My colleague Sinead Rocks has blogged about the project , and I wanted to tell you a bit more about the site, what it includes and how to start using it. 

The 成人论坛 micro:bit website has been created as a one-stop shop to introduce teachers, parents and students to all aspects of the micro:bit. Anyone can have a go, write code, and see how it would play back on the 成人论坛 micro:bit online simulator. This initial beta release focuses first on giving teachers and educators the information and inspiration that they need to start to plan how they’ll use the 成人论坛 micro:bit with their students. We’ll be updating the site over the next few months as new resources are added, and as we build up to the micro:bit arriving in schools, classrooms and homes.

Let me outline some of the resources that have gone live today.

Getting Started

The new 成人论坛 micro:bit beta site is the place for teachers, students and parents/guardians who are new to coding and the 成人论坛 micro:bit to . In the first instance, watch some short videos that offer inspiring ideas for using the 成人论坛 micro:bit, and get introduced to the different code editors. 

Learning Resources

Our amazing partners are producing an abundance of resources to kick-start students and support teachers and parents on their 成人论坛 micro:bit adventure. There are exciting projects to remix and download, step-by-step interactive tutorials and lessons plans, and detailed information on each coding editor. Explore some examples on the from partners such as Microsoft, Kitronic, Technology Will Save Us and Institution of Engineering and Technology.

Create code for the micro:bit

Select “” to choose an editor and start writing code for the 成人论坛 micro:bit.
This week we’re releasing the Microsoft Block and Microsoft Touch Develop editors. Coming very soon is the Code Kingdoms JavaScript editor, followed by a Python editor from the Python Software Foundation.

Run your script on the Simulator
Once you’ve written a code script, select “Run” from within the editor to run it on our online simulator. Light up the LEDs, make some virtual button presses and spin the compass dial! It’s a great way to test how your code’s working before transferring it to a 成人论坛 micro:bit – and a helpful tool for teachers ahead of the delivery of the devices themselves.

Teacher registration

From today, teachers and other educators will be able to register on the website, enabling them to

  • Save and retrieve their content (via their login)
  • Compile code scripts (into a format ready to transfer to a micro:bit device)
  • Publish code scripts (to share with other micro:bit website users)

If you’re a teacher and haven’t yet registered your school to receive 成人论坛 micro:bits and website registration codes, please do so using our . You can read more about the device delivery plans in .

What’s next?

We’re in Beta, whilst we complete our testing and add some more features and enhancements. We’d welcome your feedback, either via the comments below or to, to inform our next stage of development.

Over the next couple of months, we’ll be focussing more on the experience for the Year 7 children or equivalent who will be receiving 成人论坛 micro:bits. These students will then be able to register to use the website, via their teachers, closer to the time that micro:bits will start arriving in schools.

I’d like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank our key collaborators for this website launch:

- the Microsoft Touch Develop team, who have led with us on the development of the website and web services. They have designed and developed the web application and editor environment, based on their Touch Develop platform, as well as the Microsoft Block Editor and Microsoft Touch Develop Editor.

  • Tangent Design, who have designed and built the top-level website, in collaboration with the 成人论坛 and Microsoft
  • Code Kingdoms and The Python Software Foundation, whose editors will follow shortly
  • ARM, who provide the code compilation service
  • Lancaster University, who have written the Runtime: the firmware that specifies the micro:bit functions that the editors can write to
  • Our Learning Resource providers and champions – listed on our

Leigh Aspin is Executive Product Manager, Knowledge and Learning 

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