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Blog posts by year and monthApril 2010

Posts (8)

  1. Coming Home

    Having spent rather more time in hotel rooms recently than I would like, I'm thinking about all those great "coming home" movies like Planes, Trains and Automobiles, and I wonder just what is it that makes some of them so special?

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  2. The secret of movie comedy

    Are there such things as successful movie comedies that are not funny? You tell me there are.

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  3. Under the Volcano

    Like many others I am exiled from my homeland by a large cloud, so here is what I look like on Skype...

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  4. Comedy Junction

    Drawing on the world of both Saturday Night Fever and Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant's new movie Cemetery Junction is a delight, but just because it's them, does that mean we should expect it to be the definition of comedy?

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  5. I Heart Ian Hart

    Since the great Beatles movie Backbeat, and via such diverse destinations as Ken Loach's Spain and the first screen Hogwarts, Ian Hart never fails to deliver anything less than a fascinating performance. With his new movie A Boy Called Dad just over the horizon I want to know your thoughts on th...

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  6. Early Warning System

    Kickass is in your cinemas and carrying nothing more to warn you of its content than a BBFC '15' certificate. And while I applaud the common sense that results in such decisions couldn't some of that wisdom be applied retrospectively?

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  7. Dick, Em, Me and You

    A couple of blogs on a couple of movie institutions (Richard Gere and Emma Thompson) elicited a world of comment on the nature of thespian credentials, and for these many insights and observations I thank you and here humbly respond.

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  8. 5 live review: Clash of the Titans

    5 live's resident movie critic Dr Mark Kermode reviews Clash of the Titans. Go to Mark on 5 Live for more reviews and film debate. (Please note this content is only available to UK viewers)

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