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Blog posts by year and monthMay 2014

Posts (9)

  1. Shake Down

    Mark Kermode on the cinema innovation of D-Box shaking seats.

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  2. Getting Llewyn Davis

    I had big reservations about the Coen Bros’ Inside Llewyn Davis when it was released in the cinema but I’ve just viewed the film for the third time and my opinion has changed...

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  3. Loach’s Last Stand?

    Mark Kermode on the longevity of Ken Loach.

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  4. Godzilla Fights Back

    Mark Kermode on the new Godzilla movie.

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  5. The Big Sleep

    One of the questions I’m always being asked is do critics ever fall asleep in movies. Well they do - especially during Cannes…

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  6. Writers Blocked?

    Mark Kermode on the writer's role in films.

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  7. Twittercism

    Mark Kermode on the use of Twitter in film criticism

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  8. My Top Five Disaster Movies

    Mark lists his top five disaster films.

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  9. The Dating Game

    Mark Kermode on why new film Bad Neighbours has an unusual opening date.

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