Mae rhyw un arall wedi sylwi...
O ddyddiadur
"Readers in Scotland and Wales may be having a wry smile at the fact that the grubby Red Flag blog didn't quite make it to the internet in time. For in those two countries, Labour has indeed started up versions of the Red Rag. In Wales we have the Aneurin Glyndwr blog (started in March 2009) and in Scotland A Leaky Chanter (started in December 2008). They are not as salacious as the Red Rag was intended to be, but they clearly exist as attack blogs, purely designed to attack the motives of the other parties, although the concentrate primarily on the nationalist parties."
Roeddwn i'n dechrau ofni mai fi oedd yr unig un i weld y gymhariaeth!
SylwadauAnfon sylw
Mae'r eironi'n dallu.
Y peth dwaethaf ar y wefan yw Peter Hain,o bawb, yn cwyno am gael ei enllibio gan y bib,hyn i gyd ar wefan sarhaus, anaeddfed a sbeitlyd.
Mae'r cwbwl yn dweud llawer mwy am gyflwr y blaid Lafur yng nghymru na dim byd arall
Paid â phoeni. Dim y chdi ydi'r unig un wedi sylwi'r gymhariaeth
Dwi'n meddwl fod yna nifer ohonom wedi gneud y gymhariaeth: