Dillad isa Lembit
Mae hi wedi bod yn wythnos brysur o ran newyddion. Mae San Steffan yn boddi mewn mor o sgandalau. Frwydrodd Gogledd Corea ddyfais niwclear ac mae Aung San Suu Kyi yn sefyll ei phrawf yn Burma. Ond pwnc arall sydd ar feddwl Lembit yn y Sbort yr wythnos hon sef trôns...
"Well, there was scandal at Next this week when it turned out that a range of boxershorts on sale featured an image resembling Hitler! ...They promptly withdrew all 5,200 pairs and issued an apology. Just as well! Only a nutter would want to put a dictator next to his knackers. The same goes for ladies underwear -- after all what self respecting Daily Sport girl, would want Saddam all over her bum?"
Blaenoriaethau, bois, blaenoriaethau.
SylwadauAnfon sylw
Ti'n meddwl fydd y Telegraph yn torri stori dros y Sul yn ymwneud a sgandalau San Steffan.....fydd yn coroni'r cwbwl lot? /cgi-perlx/mt/mt-comments.cgi/captcha/79/5IiBjhNg5AIK6j9ogW8RyxCpp53W3CCzYH7aY4DkCawn weld.....
Vaughan, I was disappointed to read your inaccurate criticism of my choice of topics for my regular column in the Daily Sport.
You clearly imply I did not cover Aung San Suu Kyi's trial, questions over expenses at Westminster and heightened military tensions in North Korea. I have covered all three subjects in the last few weeks in my column. One (Korea) was in the very edition you criticise.
Based on this particular example, it suggests my daily Sport column is a more relaible source of information than your blog.
Safeguarding trust, boys, safeguarding trust...
Pwynt teg/Fair point.