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Monsterist artist Pete Fowler curates 'impressive' graduate show

Polly March

For the second year running the Wales Millennium Centre is playing host to an exhibition of the cream of artistic talent currently emerging from Wales' many arts institutions.

Graduate 2013 will showcase the talent of 33 recent graduates from nine colleges.

The celebrated illustrator Pete Fowler was asked to curate this year's display of work after the centre hosted his earlier in 2013.

Pete himself attended Howard Gardens in Cardiff to undertake an art foundation before going on to Falmouth School of Art to study on the BA Fine Arts course.

Many of his artworks contain vibrant visions of the parallel world of Monsterism he has created, which has a huge fan-base.

Detail from Untitled Fragments by Rory Millien. Image courtesy of the artist

Pete said: "Curating the show has been a really exciting and interesting project. I have been travelling around all the arts colleges in Wales, chatting to students and soaking up the climate, which has really taken me back to when I was an art student.

"It was real privilege to see the work. What I've really tried to achieve is to pick a slice of what was on offer to show the huge variety created by the students from a range of colleges and across different media.

"It was an intuitive process and I wanted to show as much as I could, but it was very difficult having to whittle down my long list to a shortlist as the centre could not possibly house everything I had chosen!"

Among the works on show are arresting pieces by the Wrexham student Katie Cyfenw, which Pete included because of their shocking, disturbing element.

The images feature grimacing masks created by making a collage out of photographs and run alongside a moving image project, which unfortunately couldn't be featured as there was so much work to fit into the space.

Detail from Mask 2 by Katie Cyfenw. Image courtesy of the artist

Pete said: "Katie's work had something of the horror of Francis Bacon about it and really grabbed me as it is quite unsettling.

"I also liked the mixed media lithographic landscapes of Amie Haslen which had that timeless quality of many 20th century landscape artists like Paul Nash.

"Then you have the small-scale illustrations on metal by Jade Fisher which really appealed to me as an illustrator and I loved the materials she used and the fact they were so realistic."

Detail from The Signing of the Peace by Jade Fisher. Image courtesy of the artist

Pete said he was very impressed by the standard of the work he saw and feels the show is a great opportunity to showcase young artists who may find it a struggle to pursue their careers in the current tough economic climate.

"I'm really proud of what they've achieved and I think it shows a real depth.

"It's important to nurture this sort of talent and hopefully putting it on show in the centre will really open up opportunities for the artists and give people a taste of the talent that鈥檚 out there in Wales right now.

"I remember graduating in the early 90s, during a recession, so I know the path they are treading and how difficult it can be.

"I believe the support of the creative arts in Wales to be a very important and sometimes overlooked factor in raising awareness of the strength, depth and richness of the arts and creative industries that Wales has to offer - not just at home but further beyond.

"The tradition of home grown, and overseas talents nurtured in Wales is very important to the arts as a whole.

"I hope, with the pieces of work I've curated, visitors to Graduate 2013 can get a real sense of the strength and variety of the creative minds that have been nurtured by the establishments in Wales."

Detail from Rheidol Valley by Amie Haslen. Image courtesy of the artist

The exhibition features work by graduates from Aberystwyth University; Bridgend College; University of Wales, Trinity St Davids; Coleg Sir Gar; University of Glamorgan; Cardiff Metropolitan University; Swansea Metropolitan University; and University of Wales, Newport.

The official opening of the exhibition will take place on 6 September in the Glanfa Foyer, from 6-8pm, with a DJ set from Channel Swimmer and a chance for the public to meet some of the artists.

Graduate 2013 can be seen free of charge around Wales Millennium Centre from 7 September to 17 November 2013. For further information please visit .

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