Beaming pigs
While working with a new British colleague in Germany, he needed to order a headlamp for his car. I wrote the German word for 'headlamp' down for him: Scheinwerfer, literally "beam thrower". Unfortunately, he added a "w" in his phone call, and asked for a Schweinwerfer, a 'pig thrower'.
Sent by: Roger
My mate and I spent a long time trying to find the area of Dortmund called Einbahnstrasse on a "You Are Here" map.
Next morning after copious amounts of black coffee we realised it means one way street.
There so many situations where I said sth like this, so I decided to learn more and more German on this site! Your site is very nice, thank you for all this!! :-)
On my son's first visit to germany, while at the Hauptbahnhof in munich, he commented that so many trains were going to the same place , which was called "Richtung"! it took all i got to tell him that Richtung means direction! Toll!
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