Sick feelings
I suffer from hay fever, so while in Germany, I wanted to get some antihistamines. I went to a chemist and said: Ich habe eine Polenallergie to which the chemist reacted with a suspicious look. I actually said that I'm allergic to Polish people! I should have said: Ich habe eine Pollenallergie, I'm allergic to pollen. Only one 'l' more! The difference in pronunciation is quite small (Pollen - short o, Polen - long o), but the message is quite a different one!
Sent by: Bryan
You can use the word Heuschnupfen for hay fever which could avoid confusion.
To use your phraseology you could have said: Ich habe eine Blumenstauballergie, Blumenstaub being the correct German word for pollen, which is English, although understood by most Germans.
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