Saucepan head
In a lesson of Russian literature at a university in central Russia earlier this year, my teacher, who conducted her lessons in Russian, announced that she was sorry the lesson that day would be of a poor quality, because y menya golova kak kazan which means 'I have a head like a large saucepan', meaning, she explained, that she had a bad headache!
Sent by: Kathrin
Hmm... never heard "
Don't worry, in Russia it's normal to hear "y menya golova zvenit", my head is ringing.
It is also possible to say "my head is like a watercan" - "(s pochmelya) Moya golova kak bidon, v kotorom varili chertyam samogon" (I have a hangover and my head feals like a can in which devil's home-brew was made).
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