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Jobs for March

March is a month full of energy – as the hours of daylight increase, the brown soil retreats, covered by the fresh foliage of emerging perennials woken from their winter slumber. It’s also a busy month for gardeners as we prepare for the growing season ahead. Every seed planted is an act of faith that better days lie ahead.

Roses are tradtionally pruned by St Patrick's day

Prune roses – climbing and shrub roses should be pruned before St Patrick’s day. Remove dead, diseased or dying stems and those which are crossing. With climbing roses - tie in any new shoots and if it’s congested cut out some of the oldest branches. With shrub roses – create a balance frame work - shorten by a third to an outward facing bud.

Cornus and Willow – if you grow Cornus and Willow now is the time to cut it back to the ground so it will produce new coloured stems for winter interest.

March is when many seeds should be sown.

Potatoes - time to get early potatoes in. You can grow them in the ground, in containers or in bags. Makes sure the soil or compost is enriched with well-rotted manure. It’s too late the chit –that’s the process of leaving them in the light to create shoots – but just pop them in anyway – they’ll be fine.

Weeds – keep on top of the weeds - if you get them early it will save you work later.

Seed sowing – a whole raft of veg and flower seeds need to go in this month so it’s time to get some in!