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Cathy Lawrence

Played by Debbie Korley

Fact title Fact data
Date of birth
16 November 1890
Place of birth
Wimbledon, London
Age at outbreak of WW1
School teacher

Cathy Lawrence

Cathy is a new recruit at the school in Ashburton having recently moved from London with her young son Teddy. Cathy is economical with the truth about her situation and people come to assume that she is widowed by the war. Headteacher Jocelyn Ogden feels a particular affinity to her.

In fact, Cathy's husband, , is alive. A conscientious objector, he is being held at the old Dartmoor Prison and Cathy and Teddy have moved to the area to be close to him. With so much wrath in the local community for those who refuse to fight, they all have to keep this information secret.